And This Too Shall Pass Away

And This Too Shall Pass Away

In an address to Wisconsin State Agriculture Society in 1859, Abraham Lincoln told of an Eastern monarch who gave his counsellors an assignment to come up with a truth that would apply to all times and situations. After careful consideration, they returned with this sentence: "And this too shall pass away". Said Lincoln, "How chastening in the hour of pride! How consoling in the hour of affliction."

Spring is a time when the old passes away and things become new. The change at spring-time can even have an effect on our personal temperament and mood. The darkness and dullness is gone and the cold and frost of winter's night has been melted by the soft warm rays of the summer's dawn.

What an object lesson we have here from nature. As Lincoln says, those of us who are taken up with selfish desires and proud optimism need to realise that we "know not what a day may bring forth". We live in an environment of change, therefore, "Boast not thyself of tomorrow". As we see time change and nature change we need to change too realising that we ought to boast alone in Christ and His cross. In the shifting sands of earth's seasons are we living for the Saviour or for self? As one has immortally said, "Only one life, t'will soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last!"

We learn also that the darkness of our personal winters will pass too. "And this too shall pass away". This is, indeed, in the words of Lincoln, "Consoling in the hour of affliction"; to know that for the believer God promises better things ahead. What a consolation this is, to know that those of us who, in life's winter, suffered sickness, pain and sorrow can know that one day it "will come to pass" in the warmth of a heaven sent summer.

Centuries before Lincoln, John the Apostle made a very similar point in 1 John 2:17 "And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever." Even the nature around will pass away but the man or women who does the will of God, will abide forever.