What's In A Name?

What's In A Name?

Names mean a great deal to us. You only have to observe a young couple deliberating over the name of a newborn. The thought (and hopefully the prayer) that goes into such a decision shows the importance of our name. However, though we value our names today, it's nothing in comparison to what names meant in Hebrew culture - particularly in the Old Testament, but also in the New. In those days, enshrined within any name was meaning. When you gave a child a name, it meant something - it could even mean something regarding revelation...

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Ministry Update

Ministry Update - October '12

Praise God, with joy we have continued to draw water from the wells of salvation (Isaiah 12:3: our text for 2012). In September our two week Gospel mission at Scrabo Hall, Newtownards, was extended some days into a third week due to the sense of God's Presence and His moving among us: saving, restoring, delivering and transforming. There was even a sense of reinvigoration among the believers as they got excited again about what God does in the power of His Spirit when the Gospel of His grace impacts lives...

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Life As God Intends

Life As God Intends

The Biblical expression 'eternal life' is one that has come to be associated with Heaven, and that is not wrong - but it is certainly far from the whole story. 'Eternal life' has been understood down through the years, specifically, as being the very life of God. 'Eternal life', in its essence, is the life that belongs to Deity, the Triune Godhead, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It is that very life of God imparted to us...

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Ministry Update

Ministry Update - July '12

Isaiah 12:3 was given to us by the Lord at the beginning of the year after a time of seeking God's face and, praise God, Who is ever faithful to His word, this text has been our blessed experience over the last number of months. We have rejoiced as we have witnessed the hand of God saving precious souls, restoring the backslidden and renewing His saints...

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An Object Lesson In Security

An Object Lesson In Security

Think of this: Jesus knew that the Father had given all things into His hand, He knew who He was, He knew where He came from, He knew where He was going - and so He enters into this act of washing the disciples' feet as the Master of His own destiny. He was in sovereign control of this hour. I believe this knowledge that Jesus had relates directly to the object lesson of washing His disciples' feet...

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Ministry Update

Ministry Update - April '12

These two verses reflect what we have been experiencing in small measure recently and also express our desire for the future: the reaping of a precious soul-harvest to God's glory and the Lord's present power as we minister in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ...

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Ministry Update

Managing The Morning Watch

Some years ago I spoke on the necessity of 'The Morning Watch', meeting with God in the morning to sharpen our spiritual lives. It is the most Biblical of practices and the most beneficial of practices, but it is something we all struggle with, myself included - especially when it comes to practicing it on a regular basis...

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Ministry Update

Never Forget What God Remembers

Our God remembers what we so often forget. He knows our frame, and He remembers that we are dust. Sometimes we forget that God wants us to remember these important truths - and because we forget them we often get ourselves into all sorts of trouble!

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